Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Christmas Cards or Bust!!

So, it's that time again. Time to start stressing out over what to do for Christmas cards. Some of you may say that it's only the beginning of November, but for me, I'm already behind. It takes me forever to decide on the pictures to use, the design to go with and so on and so on. Amazingly enough, we have already had our "Christmas" pictures taken and I think I have narrowed it down. If only my husband would stop having an opinion, my life would be a lot easier.

Usually, I have my fabulously, computer-saavy sister design my cards, but since she now has a one-week old baby along with her two, wild & crazy boys, I don't think she is really going to have the time. With all that being said, I turned to Shutterfly. I think half the Christmas cards that I received last year were from Shutterfly, so I checked it out, http://www.shutterfly.com/cards-stationery/christmas-cards. Let me tell you, they have some great designs! I'm super excited about my cards this year. Plus, I will definitely be saving my sister the headache of having to deal with my crazy, perfectionism, is that even a word? Oh well, it works for me. I would show you what I'm leaning towards, but then what would be the point in sending out the cards!

I think I have even convinced my sister that it would be just as easy to use Shutterfly for her Christmas cards and her baby announcements. Shutterfly has a great selection of birth announcements too; http://www.shutterfly.com/cards-stationery/birth-announcements. Besides, what card wouldn't be adorable with my precious little niece on it?!

I am so excited about Shutterfly's website and all of the great things on there, I am even thinking about ordering calendars; http://www.shutterfly.com/calendars, with my sweet & sassy, little Miss's picture ALL over it. What grandparent wouldn't like that, right?

Be on the lookout for my fabulous Christmas cards in your mail and with the help of Shutterfly, that might happen before the week of Christmas. Yeah!!

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